Thursday, June 23, 2011

In order to keep the Nexus Force well prepared for battle against the Maelstrom, Vanda Darkflame has requested that Paradox scientists release weekly reports on Maelstrom opponents during the month of June. Each week, we will release a short bio on one villain from each of the combat zones in LEGO Universe. Check back weekly to ensure your intel is up to date!

History: When the Darkitect first visited Forbidden Valley, he used his chaotic power to infuse the armor of ancient warriors with dark Maelstrom energy. These shadowy figures, called Dark Ronin, whispered to the Darkitect the secret location of the Great Tree ninjas. With dark tones they taught him the hidden method of visiting their dreams.

Intrigued, the Darkitect explored the dreamworld of the Forbidden Valley ninjas, searching high and low for creative inspiration that he could use against the Nexus Force. He learned of mighty dragons – proud, winged creatures that soared high above the land and lived in harmony with Minifigures during ancient times. Impressed, the Darkitect pillaged these good dreams and injected them with chaos, transforming them into terrible nightmares. With vengeance these new beings tore through the skies of Forbidden Valley, raining disorder and destruction on the ninjas scattered below. These were the first Maelstrom Dragons.

Three Maelstrom Dragons, Burnshout, Blastbreath, and Torchblight, laze in their eyrie in Forbidden Valley today, protecting their hordes of treasure. Their perch is located just past the Paradox Refinery in Forbidden Valley, where the super-soldier Brick Fury holds Maelstrom forces at bay.

Stats: 300 Life Points, 250 Armor Points

Attacks: Fire breath: A long-range sustained Fire attack that continually deals 1 damage to all Minifigures in its path.

Slam: A short-range area attack that deals 2 damage to nearby Minifigures and launches them a short distance backwards.

Flap and Burn: Maelstrom dragons will sometimes use their wings to fling Minifigures backwards, following up by blasting them with a heavy fireball attack – a combo dealing 5 damage.

Fireball: A smoldering fireball hurled from Dragons that deals 5 damage to any Minifigures near its point of impact.

Ronin Summon: Burnshout, Blastbreath, and Torchblight are aided in battle by a fourth Maelstrom Dragon circling their perches overhead, which will occasionally summon Dark Ronin to protect its allies. Four red shuriken outlines will singe the ground and then erupt, releasing Dark Ronin who will then enter the fight.

Tactics: Do not engage a Maelstrom Dragon alone unless you are armed with full Rank 3 Faction Gear. Valiant Weapons are not necessary, but will prove extremely helpful for Minifigures attempting to take on a Maelstrom Dragon without the help of a team.

Minifigures working in teams have a strong chance of smashing a Maelstrom Dragon if they work together. When a Dragon blasts Fireballs or Fire Breath at one Minifigure, the rest of the team should attack the dragon from the other side, using the distraction to their advantage. Similarly, one team member should focus on smashing Dark Ronin when they are summoned, allowing other team members to continue pummeling and distracting the Dragon free from harassment by Ronin assailants.

When its armor is completely depleted, a Dragon will become stunned and reveal pieces of a Ravencloud Guardian statue from its treasure horde. The Guardian statues are the ancient troll protectors of the Forbidden Valley ninja clans, and will immediately distract the nearest Dragon when built. This turns the Dragon around, exposing a soft spot on its backside which is marked by a red X. Attack this point quickly and your victory is assured. Building the Ravencloud Guardian costs 20 Imagination.

Kenjin the Wise swears that in his youth he once dumbfounded seven Maelstrom Dragons at once by performing his patented “Super Ninjafunk Helicopter” breakdance move in their lair. This is impossible, as Maelstrom Dragons were created several decades after Kenjin famously broke his hip at a secret ninja breakdancing competition held over half a century ago, and should not be reattempted.

Lego posting another bio, probably the only one I'm going to use. Recording every hit on a dragon is almost impossible. However, that said, I don't think it has 250 armor. That seems a little steep. What do you think? Comment below.

Fugu, signing off.

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