Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another Bio...

n order to keep the Nexus Force well prepared for battle against the Maelstrom, Vanda Darkflame has requested that Paradox scientists release weekly reports on Maelstrom opponents during the month of June. Each week, we will release a short bio on one villain from each of the four main combat zones of LEGO Universe. Check back weekly to ensure your intel is up to date!

History: Far more imposing than Pirates or Admirals, Stromling Apes are the greatest threats facing the Nexus Force in Gnarled Forest. Eager for his forces to win the fight against Captain Jack Knife and his Venture League crew, the Darkitect sought to create an ally for his Stromling Pirate Armada early on in his reign. Looking deep into the jungle for creative inspiration, the nefarious villain discovered a thundering ape and mimicked its colossal form, twisting its image into that of a menacing, aggressive Maelstrom servant.

Truly imposing foes, Stromling Apes have taken up defensive positions in strategic locations around Gnarled Forest. One particularly menacing Ape blocks the main pass into the Pirate Camp. He has proven more than a match for lightly armored Nexus Force members in the past – new recruits wearing anything less than Rank 2 Faction Gear should rely on tactics, planning, and teamwork to best this fiend and pass into the Pirate Camp.

Some Stromling Apes have been reported to carry parrots looted from pirate travelers ambushed while passing in and out of Jack Knife’s Camp. Defeating an Ape in possession of such a feathered friend will allow you to inherit it.

Impressed with how effective Stromling Apes became at pestering the Nexus Force, the Darkitect later returned to Gnarled Forest in search of lieutenants for his growing Maelstrom legion. Searching deeper into the jungle than before, he discovered two towering, massive silverbacks, stronger and more fearless than any other Apes in the forest. Each was the proud leader of its tribe. Calling on the forces of chaos, the Darkitect stole their forms, perverting their essences into two of the most aggressive, black-hearted fiends in the Maelstrom – Kinga Hurl and Roo Morgg.

Stats: 80 Life Points, 25 Armor Points

Attacks: Ground Pound: Short Ranged Area Attack that deals 5 damage to nearby targets. Strikes 3 times per attack. To aid adventurers without Rank 2 Faction Gear in their fight against Apes, the Venture League has buried heavy anchors in some of the Apes’ favorite spots. When an Ape Ground Pounds, the pieces of these anchors will be shaken loose to the surface, after which they can be quick-built and dropped on the Ape’s head for very high damage.

Exploding Boulder Throw: Long Ranged Attack that deals 5 damage to targets around the point of impact.

Tactics: Minifgures with Rank 1 Faction Gear should not attempt to fight a Stromling Ape alone, as both of its attacks will likely smash you in one hit. If you are wearing Rank 1 Faction Gear, the Paradox recommends gathering a team before charging a Stromling Ape. Not only will teaming up make it easier to smash the Ape, but it will also allow all team members to share in its valuable loot.

Using careful timing, wait until the Ape has finished all three strikes of its Ground Pound, then charge. Once you cause 25 damage, the Ape’s armor will break, causing it to become dazed and confused for an extended period of time. While the Ape is befuddled, build the anchor quickly – it will usually smash the stunned gorilla.

Unfortunately, not all tactics are to be trusted. For instance, Bert Scurvyburp has a theory that if you eat bananas near Stromling Apes, they’ll become temporarily distracted. This is not an effective strategy, unless your goal is to become a large banana pudding. And there are no Factions in the Nexus Force for banana pudding. At least not yet.

Agh! Lego's trying to run me out of business. However, the jokes on them. I've had the tactics, hit points, and damage on the Ape for over 6 months. That means everyone who saw the Lego Universe Guide has known this for over 6 months. Half a year too late, Lego!
Fugu, signing off.

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