Sunday, May 29, 2011

Weapons Re-balanced

All the regular faction weapons are being re-mastered and re-balanced. The Sentinals are now more tank-like. Their weapons now anger enemies more than normal ones do. Now Paradox Sorceror tracks enemies, making it easier for them to 'snipe'. Space Maruaders now do more damage, making them more like shock troopers. Assembly's time for recharge has been reduced, and the bulpitors and turrets have been balanced, as have the thowk. Shoulder-pad power-ups have had their re-charge time cut by 3/4s. It's even more of support group now. The weapons are more stronger, with a three damage combo. Venture has more of a damage distributer now, with there power-ups more powerful.

Fugu, signing off.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nexus Diary 3

The Sentinel Faction area has been driving me crazy! Just as we get a computer up and running, an old one crashes. Finally, I realized that there was a bit of a pattern. Not in just the computers, but all of the problems we've had! The Paradox toilets, the Venture holo-projectors, even the speed stripes on the ground! It's been the Maelstrom! Someone has been donating Maelstrom-infected bricks. This will never do.

In other news, my lab is almost finished – I can't wait! I have called it the Nexus Core, which is quite fitting. The Imagination Nexus flows through the center and I have plenty of equipment to run tests.

It seems like whatever influence the Maelstrom had during construction is starting to diminish. There are still three Imagination pipes that we still need to finish – maybe later.

We are getting very close. The Paradox zone is now complete (the toilets now work!) and my workstation is up and running! Everyone seems to be pleased! The launch pads are the last piece to go online. I can't believe how quickly we've finished the Nexus Tower! All of your brick donations made it possible!

Fugu, signing off.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Nexus Naomi, here with the latest information, direct from Nexus Tower! I am pleased to report that at the current rate of construction, Nexus Tower is projected to open its doors on June 1st! In just one short week, you will be able to enter the new Faction Headquarters and enjoy all of the exciting new adventures Nexus Tower has to offer!

Meet the legendary Faction Leaders!
Come visit my holostation when you first land in Nexus Tower! I will guide you to meet your legendary Faction Leader for the first time!

Over a dozen new Vendors have set up shop in Nexus Tower!
Be sure to bring all of your coins and Faction Tokens with you to Nexus Tower. Nexus Tower is the place to go for all of your shopping needs with over a dozen new Vendors with exciting new wares like Valiant Weapons!

Vaults and Property Safes!
If you ever find that your Backpack is feeling too heavy, try storing extra items in the Vault, located in the Sentinel area.

Faction Pets!
Prove your Faction Loyalty to your Faction Leader to learn the secrets of these long-lost Faction companions!

Nexus Tower is the launching point to Starbase 3001, LEGO Club and Crux Prime!
Aside from protecting the Imagination Nexus and creating the new Faction Headquarters, Nexus Tower also serves as the new launching point to Starbase 3001, LEGO Club and Crux Prime! Existing launch pads to these worlds have been disassembled and rebuilt inside Nexus Tower.

Dr. Overbuild strongly suggests that before Nexus Tower opens, all Minifigures should reconvene in Nimbus Station, next to Kurt Tussle. That way when Nexus Tower opens, you will be able to fly to Nexus Tower right away!

Dr. Overbuild and the other Faction Leaders have worked very hard to complete Nexus Tower – the largest LEGO structure ever. Now you have the most difficult part: deciding what to do first inside Nexus Tower on June 1st!

Nexus Naomi

Discuss this article on the message boards!

YES! Finally it's coming. But, I unfortunately DON'T have 175k coins. Dang.

Fugu, signing off.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More from nexus tower!

Hello Adventurers!

Nexus Naomi, here once again to bring you the latest data on Faction Missions and exciting Faction Pets!

Once you arrive in Nexus Tower, come speak to me! Head straight down from the launch pad from Nimbus Station to find my holostation. I will guide you to your legendary Faction Leader. Each Faction Leader will have Faction-specific Missions for you.

• Assembly! Dr. Overbuild needs your building skills to help create and deploy a device which will help him track the creativity of Minifigures throughout the universe!
• Sentinels! Duke Exeter has noticed a surge of activity on Crux Prime. Can he entrust you with his sword to call down Imagination Blasts on Crux Prime?
• Paradox! Vanda Darkflame needs you for a Top Secret mission. This highly classified mission can only be given to those Paradox agents who are both trustworthy and tricky. Are you able to stay in the shadows?
• Venture League! Hael Storm seeks a most mysterious lost treasure. However, you’ll need to brave the chaos on Crux Prime in order to find it!

Additionally, Dr. Overbuild has informed me that each Faction will eventually be able to find and tame Faction Pets! The Saber-tooth Cat, Alien, Gryphon and Stegosaurus are Faction-specific Pets which have recently been discovered. Each ancient Pet has a different background and history, but only the most loyal Faction members will be able to tame them. Once you have fully proven yourself to your Faction Leader, you may learn the secrets of these long-lost Faction companions!

There will be so much to do inside Nexus Tower. I cannot wait to meet all of you and help you get started on your new adventures inside the new Faction Headquarters!

Nexus Naomi

Discuss this article on the message boards

Sorry i couldn't get the movie up...apparently blogspot doesn't supprot those Html tags. Oh well. This is awesome. Save up for those valiant weapons.

Fugu, signing off.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Valiants In-Depth

Valiant Weapons. The pinnacle of faction engineering. Two-handed behemoths that utterly devastate any and all maelstrom. Cutting through swaths of maelstrom will now be done with the greatest of ease. At a price. A high, high, price. Specifically, 150,000 coins. *shakes head*. That's a very high price. 500 tokens, people can handle. 150k? Might take a long while. Any ways, have you checked out the knights damage? Holy Fugu Fish!!! 30 damage? Butterscorch will be shaking in her boots! Duke's been busy! And the broadsider? Blows the rutcarver away! These may be the best thing to happen to the factions since the lowering of prices in beta, but Lego should have been more balanced. And, the better weapon is corresponding to the type of specialty the faction leader is (except paradox...they're always the exception :). The broadsider does more damage, has better powerups, and is for a buc, Like Haelstorm. Same with the  power-jouster. And the serratizer. Hmm. Interesting.
Fugu, signing off.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Valiant Weapons Released! (Or, Announced)


We have some exciting news for you, direct from Nexus Tower! We are pleased to announce that Dr. Overbuild and the other Faction Leaders have completed their final designs on Valiant Weapons! The Faction Leaders discovered a way to harness the power of Imagination in its purest form, and it is incredibly powerful. The Faction Leaders believe that you are now ready to handle the awesome power of Valiant Weapons – but you’ll need both hands to do it!

The Faction Leaders designed 8 new Valiant Weapons, one for each Faction Specialty. The Valiant Weapons were created to work with Rank 3 Gear and will also count towards your Rank 3 Multi-Item Bonuses! Very soon, you will be able to purchase Valiant Weapons from your Faction Vendor in Nexus Tower for 175,000 coins and 500 Faction Tokens.

For such a price, what can you expect from Valiant Weapons? A very unique feature of the Valiant Weapon is that a single swing will affect all nearby enemies. Yes, all nearby enemies- that is the power of Pure Imagination! Now you can easily take on wave after wave of enemies! Each Valiant Weapon will also give you additional Armor and Imagination Points, and some of the Weapons even conjure crazy new creations to fight by your side!

Hael Storm has created The Broadsider for Buccaneers and The Rutcarver for Daredevils!

Dr. Overbuild has created The Serratorizer for Engineers and The Wingreaper for Summoners!

Vanda Darkflame has created The Doomslicer for Sorcerers and The Wormholer for Space Mauraders!

Finally, Duke Exeter has created The Powerjouster for Knights and The Samuraizor for Samurais!

While you are saving up for your Valiant Weapons, Achilles Plutarch has other great gear to buy! His new shop, located in the Sentinel shopping area, has a slew of new gear to buy! He’s got Heavy Staffs, Scarlet Scythes, and more! You’ll be able to put enemies to sleep, while protecting yourself from 10 points of damage or even heal your teammates for 10 Life Points!

Nexus Tower is sure to become your new favorite shopping destination. With over a dozen new Vendors, there is so much to see and buy! What will you buy first?

Discuss this article and your favorite Valiant Weapon on the message boards!

This is awesome! More later, from fugu!

Fugu, singing off.

Monday, May 16, 2011


You’ve asked for it, and so now you’re getting it: more space for your stuff! Dr. Overbuild has been working non-stop on a new Vault and Safe system! This new storage system will allow you to safely store away extra items into your own private Vault in Nexus Tower. The Darkitect would love to get his hands on the contents of the Vaults, but never fear! The Sentinels are standing guard to make sure only YOU can access your personal Vault!

Before you can access the Vault system, you will need to first speak to Nexus Naomi, Nexus Tower’s Artificial Intelligence. She will guide you to meet your Faction Leader, who will give you a series of missions. After you receive approval from your Faction Leader to use the Vault system, find Nexus Naomi near the Sentinel Faction HQ. She will help you open up your Vault account –and has a complimentary toaster model for you too!

The standard Vault size begins with 40 slots for general items (like gear or consumables) and 40 slots for your models. If you find yourself needing even more space, talk to Nexus Naomi again, who will give you some Missions to expand the size of your Vault! You can expand your Vault up to 240 slots for general items and 240 for your models!

That’s not all! Complete even more Nexus Tower Missions, and you will be able to access a special Safe on all of your claimed Properties! Your Safe will allow you to access your Vault and all of the items inside. Property visitors will be able to see the Safe on your Property, but only you will be able to use your Safe on your claimed Properties!

Keep up your Brick Donations to complete the construction of Nexus Tower. When the Tower is done, you’ll be able to finally find a place for all of that extra stuff you’ve been carrying around. And this is only the beginning!

This was just posted on Lego Universe Community today. Finally, details on the Vault/safes/Banks. Good Job Lego! Very relevant updates the past few days.

Fugu, signing off.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Doc Overbuild's Diary

Duke Exeter thought it would be a good idea for me to chronicle the completion of Nexus Tower. So for future builders, here we go!

First, you may wonder, why build a massive tower on Crux Prime- a planet which is swarming with the Maelstrom? Well, the Imagination Nexus of course! It's the original, pure source of Imagination in the Universe and it must be protected!

Construction on Nexus Tower was going well, but we started to run short of bricks. Hael Storm proposed a vast collection of bricks from Minifigures across the Universe, and Duke Exeter has agreed to lead the effort! We've put out a call to all Minifigures to donate bricks and help finish Nexus Tower There is even a competition to see who can donate the most bricks!

I'm a little worried about the Bank we were building in Nexus Tower. I am just not sure it is safe enough! What if Nexus Tower were under attack? We must protect everyone’s gear and deposits!!. Duke Exeter had the great idea to make the Bank into a Vault instead. What is the difference between a Bank and a Vault? Why, rocket engines, of course!

Bricks have been arriving daily on the cargo ships out of Nimbus Station, and now progress on the Tower is moving at an accelerated rate! After a week of donations, redontop, Ninewells and huss1 have donated over 2,234,000 bricks combined!

Check back next week for another update!

Lego decided to do a Doc Overbuild Diary? I, personally, think it's a good idea. By the way, please complete the survey at the bottom. Do you hate the ads, or are you indifferent?

Fugu, signing off.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nexus Tower Disclosure

Hello Minifigures,

You may call me Nexus Naomi. I am the Nexus Tower Artificial Intelligence created by Dr. Overbuild. My purpose is to serve as a guide to all Minifigures who have come to Nexus Tower.

Each of the Faction Headquarters is located inside Nexus Tower. There, you will be able to meet the Faction Leaders for the very first time. Duke Exeter, Hael Storm, Vanda Darkflame and Dr. Overbuild cannot wait to meet all of their loyal Faction members. Each has many Missions for you to complete, including some unique, top-secret Faction-only Missions for the most loyal members of the Nexus Force!

Nexus Tower is also a important destination for all of your shopping needs. More than a dozen new vendors are waiting to sell you exciting new gear and consumables! You will also find additional Faction vendors in the Tower – they sell the Rank 3 kits which were previously sold in Nimbus Station, but they will also have new items like Valiant Weapons! Valiant Weapons are the most powerful weapons created so far, but you’ll need both hands – and a lot of Tokens – to wield them! In addition, a completely new Vendor, Admiral Honor Accolade, is setting up his shop in the Sentinel area. He specializes in Mission and Achievement reward items that you have previously earned.

Are you concerned with where you will put all of these new items? I have just been authorized to disclose the new Vault system that is being finalized! Each Minifigure will be able to open a Vault account where you can safely store your extra items, and you will be able to pull them out whenever you wish. The Faction Leaders may also help you to construct a Property Safe, which will allow you to securely access your Vault from any of your claimed Properties.

The last piece of information which I have received clearance to disclose is that Dr. Overbuild has even more plans to expand Nexus Tower. Once the Tower is completed, you will be able to use it as a launching point to Nimbus Station, Crux Prime, Starbase 3001 and LEGO Club, but new destinations will be added soon!

As Adventurers and Explorers, you understand that the Universe is vast and there are always uncharted territories. Nexus Tower is being built to become the launching point for all future exploration and expansions. Be prepared for the adventure of your life.

Nexus Naomi

Lego posted this on the community page today, re-affirming valiant weapons and banks. Plus, property access to your vaults. Nice. That means, if you can store models, you could just keep your rockets and models you might trade in your backpack, reducing MAJOR clutter, and store the rest in your vault. Plus, you can store those un-wanted hoods and gis in your vault, freeing up space for what really matters.

Fugu, signing off.

The best things in life are Free! (besides Lego Universe)

Okay, I have to make some software recommendations. First off, there is a certain point in life where you figure you're a geek, and there's no going back. I crossed that point when I read a live blog from Google I/O. And got excited about it. Anyways, one of the major kicks-in-the-butt about PCs (and Macs) is the expensive software (applications). A copy of Windows 7 is from about $120-$220. Photoshop is ridiculous, like, CS5 is $700 dollars! MS Office Home and Business: $270. Free alternatives:

  • Windows 7: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) $0 It's got all the same core functionality, for free. Only Problem: No Lego Universe. Darn.
  • Photoshop: GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). Same thing, different price. $0.
  • MS Office: Libre Office, $0. Almost same functions, only no email client. Oh well.
Ubuntu is super-fast too. I suggest, if you get it, to use the Wubi client (for windows).
Installation is super easy, and all you have to do is run the installer and chose some options. The dual boot is easy. It's light on your battery for laptops and netbooks.

Fugu, signing off.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Build Nexus Tower Today!

Today the Build Nexus Tower update was released in LU today, causing MAJOR lag at the jawbox. The Faction Rockets and Race Cars are out as well. Not to mention Nimbus Isle, and new loading ads. I know, I know, new ad! yes! exciting! but it may give us something interesting to stare at while Nimbus isle loads. Enjoy these pics:

Fugu, signing off.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

No Weekend contest comfirms my theory

The lack of this weekend's weekend contest comfirms my previous theory: That developement/debuging of the Build Nexus Tower update were delayed until this tuesday, May 3. Yes! I was right! :)