Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hey there, adventurers!

It’s been over a month since Nexus Tower opened its doors to the world, unleashing an arsenal of funny, funky, and formidable new items on LEGO Universe. Micro City models, Mole Whackers, Radios that rain Pianos from the sky – the headquarters of the Nexus Force sells all the wacky, zany, powerful, hilarious, and generally awesome gear and models a Minifigure could ask for. To collect them all, you’ll need to earn your own personal fortune.

Sounds tough, doesn’t it? We admit, earning coins takes focus, but creating a powerful financial empire in LEGO Universe is easier than you might think! Here are a few ways to turn your lonely money tree into a flourishing coin orchard, in no particular order. Our averages were taken using Minifigures with Rank 3 gear and no Valiant Weapons. Your results may be different!

1. Complete Missions

• Daily missions will not only earn players a pretty decent amount of coins – they’ll also help players unlock bag space, vault space, increased Life Points, Imagination Points, and countless Achievements with their own valuable rewards. The daily missions in Nimbus Station should not be overlooked, as the gem packs they reward add up – and fast.
o Average coins per hour – 8,700

2. Cannon Cove Shooting Gallery

• Our team found that the Cannon Cove Shooting Gallery earns only slightly less coins than grinding Maelstrom Horsemen with a team in Forbidden Valley. Aspiring Minifigure entrepreneurs should definitely visit Cannon Cove now and then in search of doubloons!
o Average coins per hour - 12,500

3. Battle of Nimbus Station and Avant Gardens Survival

• The Battle of Nimbus Station can make you rich! If you’re looking to earn some serious coins, then head into the minigame without a team and continue replaying it. You may not pass many stages, but 100% of the coins you squeeze out of early-level Stromlings will go into your pocket. If you’re hunting wild Achievements, then most definitely head in with a team – you’ll have a much better chance of reaching the Four Horsemen with friends.
o Average coins per hour (solo, Battle of Nimbus Station) – 12,000
o Average coins per hour (group, Battle of Nimbus Station) – 8,200

• Not only can Avant Gardens can be a fun distraction from grinding, but it is also one of our favorite minigames to use for contests. Spend some time honing your Stromling-squashing skills and not only will you earn coins and Achievement awards – you’ll also be well prepared for the next official Survival competition!
o Average coins per hour (solo, Avant Gardens Survival) – 3,600
o Average coins per hour (solo, Avant Gardens Survival) – 6,500

4. Maelstrom Dragon Instance

• They may not drop many coins, but Maelstrom Dragons hide some extremely rare items in their treasure hordes. …items which can be sold to other players for an impressive profit! Stop by this minigame now and then – especially if you need a break from ownin’ Ronin at the Paradox Refinery (just a stone’s throw away) – and you could find yourself in possession of a super valuable rare item like the King’s Crown!
o Average coins per hour – 3,250

5. Selling/Trading/b>

• If you pick up a rare item you’d like to sell, head to the Marketplace subfolder of the Message Board and start a thread asking the community how much they think it is worth. LEGO Universe players are famously friendly and helpful – you’re sure to get a safe, helpful answer back in no time.

• Once you have a price in mind, advertise your item in Nimbus Plaza, Nexus Tower, or online in the Marketplace section of the Message Board. Allow your customers to haggle, but don’t settle for a price you know is too low. Once you make the sale, head out and start grinding again in search of a new product.

We in the Community Team hope that these tips go a long way towards helping you build up your nest egg. Have any money-making tips of your own? Share them on the message board, and check back next week for more advice on how to earn coins!

I have figured out Lego is out to get me. Majorly. They seem to be posting stuff about 2.5 weeks after I put it out there. Why? I don't know, maybe Inventrius has to come up with their own posts during lull time.

Fugu, signing off.

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